Via Piave, 6
31050 Ponzano Veneto
Treviso, Italy

PI/VAT   IT04412800262

STAM España

Poligono industrial Tanos-Viernoles
Calle de la Espina, 48
39300 Torrelavega

STAM Brasil

Rua Arcipreste Andrade, 727
Sala 62
04268-020 São Paulo

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Leer la Policy



This information note is issued by STAM S.p.A., with registered office in Via Piave n. 6, 31050 – Ponzano Veneto (TV), Italy, as Data Controller (hereinafter «Controller»), pursuant to art. 13 of (EU) Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter «GDPR»), in order to illustrate the processing purposes and procedures for the personal data submitted or collected during the recruitment process, by accessing to the available job section, from the website All data will be processed in compliance with the GDPR, the Italian harmonization legislation and the provisions adopted by the Data Protection Authority (collectively, «Privacy Policy»).

Processed Data

Your personal data submitted by filling out the online application fields, and those obtained from the resume you submitted, shall be processed by the Controller in compliance with technical and organizational measures suitable to the processing risk, and, in particular, in compliance with the provisions set forth by art. 32 of the GDPR.

In particular, the personal data collected (hereinafter «Data») shall include:

– personal and contact details requested in the free application procedure (e.g. first and last name, date of birth, phone, email address, gender, domicile);

– identification data and any other information you included in your resume or submitted during the recruitment process (e.g. picture, experience acquired, education);

Purpose of the processing and legal basis

The personal data collected can be processed by the Data Controller:

a) for recruitment purposes;

b) for employment or cooperation-related purposes.

For the purposes described in point a), your consent is required to process the data.

For the purposes described in point b), your consent is not required, because it’s based on a contract.

Processing procedures and retention time

Processing can be carried out on paper and/or on electronic or automatized means, and it can include any operation pursuant to art. 4, point 2, of the GDPR, except for diffusion.

To pursue the purposes described in point a), the data collected and contained in your resume will be retained for the period necessary for its treatment.

To pursue the purposes described in point b), in case of hiring, the data may be preserved for the time required to fulfill all contractual and regulatory obligations.

Communication and diffusion

The personal data collected may be notified to departments or offices other than those you submitted your initial application for, including departments or offices where STAM S.p.A. or one of its connected companies carry out their activities, currently and in the future. Furthermore, the data submitted by you for the aforementioned purposes may be disclosed to recruiting agencies appointed by the Data Controller that, in any case, guarantee the adoption of likewise safety and confidentiality criteria. Your personal data may be disclosed to other people authorized to process them by the Controller (e.g. HR department staff) and specifically instructed on this matter. Your data shall not be diffused in any way.

Data subject’s rights

As data subject, under the conditions laid down, you may exercise the rights set forth by articles 15 and following of the GDPR at any time, including the right to access, edit, cancel, restrict the processing, oppose, and the right to data portability, by sending a notification to:

Furthermore, you have the right to submit claims against the Data Protection Authority.

You state that the personal data you submitted are true and correct and that you did not voluntarily omit any information relevant for the purpose of the recruitment. Any inaccurate data may render your application non-assessable.